Dulcote Leather Board COMPANY

Industrial, 00 gauge, 3’ @ 2’

Kiddie layout

The layout is a small diorama or coffee table style layout with an industrial railway passing the Dulcote Leather Board Company.
The layout is named after the
Dulcote Leather Board Company as unusually
for Britain its works in the Forrest of Dean loaded on the running line.
TIncidentally only stock with large couplings can cope with the ten inch curves.







Leatherboard is leather (ie scrap) mechanically/chemically reduced to leather
fibers, mixed with a binder (ie rubber latex), and made into sheets or other
 forms (ie shoe heels & washers) that shows leather-like qualities.
Sheet is available in 1mm, 1.5mm, 2.6mm, 3mm and 4mm thicknesses.


The goods shed used by the Dulcote Leather Board Company is the
small white building with curved roof immediately behind the train.